Department of process engineering U218Numerical Analysis of Equipment (tutorials) |
UNIX | (Linux,vi-editor, screen grabing), file NAZLOGIN.DOC |
N1-pipe.GEO | Pipe-network (COSMOS) Elements PIPE, LINEAR, STATIC |
N1-pipe.f | fortran program for postprocessing of N1-pipe.GEO |
N2-truss.GEO | Elements TRUSS2D, LINEAR, STATIC analysis |
N2-trusb.GEO | LINEAR, BUCKLING (the same as N2-truss.geo, only R_BUCKLING replaces R_STATiC) |
N2-trusnel.GEO | Large deformation (commands defining time course of loading: CURDEF, TIME) |
N3-light.GEO | -gas lighter (Elements SHELL3, LINEAR, STATIC) |
N4-stf.GEO | -Elements SHELLAX,TRIANG,FLOW2D |
(this file contains in fact
solution of 3 problems: rotationally symmetric pressure vessel, a flange and flow of liquid in a channel) The file N4-stf.geo can be executed by Cosmos, however it is better to separate it to the three parts
N5-truss.f 2D-trusses (F77 for Silicon Graphics) N5-truss.dat example of input data for N5-truss.f N5-truss.out example of output data from N5-truss.f |
N6-temp.GEO -temperature field 2D (Cosmos). Script N6-temp.geo defines several triangular elements (TRIANG) directly using ND and EL commands, without geometrical model and solves stationary temperature field. | |
N6-temp.FOR -temperature field (fortran).
Simple linear basis functions in triangular elements. Assembly of full matrix.
Gauss-Jordan method of solution (see Numerical Recipes). Program is without graphics and therefore is fully portable. N6-temp.DAT -temperature field (data for fortran N6-temp.FOR, describing the same problem as N6-tem.GEO) |
N7-ohmic.GEO -elliptical vessel, cylindrical electrodes at focus (direct ohmic heating). Module THERMAL is used for solution of electrical potential. Example of meshing in a multiply connected region (MARG). Triangular elements TRIANG, steady state, constant properties (electrical conductivity=thermal conductivity) | |
-fortran program for postprocessing of temperature field (e.g. N7-ohmic.GEO) (power integration).
The program read output file N7-OHMIC.TEM and calculates gradients of electric field in all elements,
and subsequently dissipated pover in elements.
N7-ohmic.TEM -vysledky N7-ohmic.GEO (Cosmos) a vstupni data pro N7-ohmic.for |
Electric potential U(x,y) 6.10.2001 Finite differences. Overrelaxation by Gauss-Seidel. electric.f fortran for SGI electric.c C for SGI electric.for PWS fortran (graphics MINIPF.LIB). | |
electric.SES -the same example as the Fortran program ELECTRIC.f (elektrolyzer) written for COSMOS. Parametric meshing of triangular elements. | |
FEMIN.ZIP Temperature field - program written by using Fortran PowerStation for Windows using Microsoft graphics. This program looks like COSMOS/M, but only few basic operations are defined, eg. entities PT,CR,SF (points, curves, surfaces), ND,EL (nodes and elements). Parametric generator of mesh can be used for generation of triangular (3,4,6,7 nodes) or qudrilateral (4,5,8,9 nodes) elements. Frontal method is used for assembly and solution of system of equations. Maximum front width 200, maximum number of nodes 1000. Script language enables to use expressions with variables (predefined variables A,B,.,Z,ND,NE,NPT,NCR,NSF,XND(*),...) and functions. Mouse is used for definiton and picking points or nodes. Available commands: NEWPROB,FILE,CLS,SCALE,ZOOMIN,ZOOMOUT, PT,CR3PT,SF4PT,SF8PT,CIRCLE,CURDEF,FUNDEF, PTPLOT,CRPLOT,SFPLOT,NDPLOT,NFPLOT,EPLOT, PTLIST..., NIDENT..., EGROUP,MPROP,RCONST, MSF,NFCR,THERMAL,CREEP,SHELLAX,GRAPH,GRAFUN,... 25.11.2001 |
Theory of pressure thermal forming (flow of expanding material in a mold) wafflcz.doc [800KB] (in czech) wafflen.doc [500KB] (in english) N8-waff.FOR-fortransky program expanze oplatek [i pro SGI] N8-waff.DAT-data pro fortransky program expanze oplatek | |
CFD-introduction cfdcz.doc (penalty method for NS equations) | |
Nazflow.GEO -Laminar flow (ohmic heater nonisothermal, flow asymmetry) |