11.3 The Future (neural networks and virtual reality)

There are many things we can learn from nature. Some examples have already been mentioned: the structure of collagen as the prototype for an ideal rope, the self-assembly of protein structure as an idea for the design of new materials. We have looked into the Pandora's box of genetics, but we have not touched on the most complex animal system, a brain. The primary unit of the brain and the nervous system is the neurone, a cell comprising a body, dendrites, an axon and presynaptic terminals:

1. Dendrites are filaments which transfer a signal to the neurone body (analog input).
2. An axon is a single fibre that conducts away from the neurone body (digital output). The neurone is in fact an analog device integrating many inputs from dendrites and producing an all or nothing (1/0) output.
3. Presynaptic terminals are the ends of the branched axon of a presynaptic cell. They connect the receptive surface of other neurones, postsynaptic cells (the point of contact is known as the synapse). Signals are transferred by chemical or electrical means. Electrical synapses are found in the neural system of invertebrates, and only at some sites in the mammalian nervous system. Interneuronal communication in the mammalian brain is based on excitation or inhibition of the target neurones by the neurotransmitters released from the synaptic vesicles (neurotransmitters include serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine). Engineering applications: This architecture of a neural system serves as a model for "artificial intelligence" systems, and more specifically for the "neural networks" implemented in digital computers. The term artificial intelligence sounds noble, but in most applications it expresses only our inability to describe the behaviour of complicated systems on the basis of known principles or laws. Such a complicated system is, for example, the fed batch fermentor, which converts sugar to ethanol, with the use of suitable enzymes, see Fig.11.17 (fed-batch means the continuous feeding of a substrate /e.g. glucose/, but all products and biomass are accumulated in the fermentor till the end of the batch). An analytical description of biochemical reactions in terms of differential equations of the Michaelis Menten type (see 11.1.1), can be used for developing process control software. However, there is another process control algorithm design strategy, which considers the whole fermentor as a "black box", which has several outputs (concentration sensors) and one input - the valve that controls the substrate flowrate.

This fermentor can also be controlled manually, and the software only observes the reactions of the system to the manually adjusted flowrate. The aim of "learning" is to reproduce the behaviour of a skilful operator, even if the actual state of the fermentation process does not correspond to the situations monitored during the process of learning. The neural network concept assumes that the "know how" of a human operator is hidden not inside his neurones, but in the particular setting of the synapses. The neural network analogy substitutes neurones by very simple subroutines (objects), which are able only to sum up the input signals from the synapses and transfer the result to an axon (the signal can be conditioned, e.g., converted to a binary signal using a preselected threshold value). A "memory" of the neural network is encoded into the weights wij of the synaptic connections between the neurones i and j. The process of learning consists in a continual adjustment of these weights (signal gains). It is not a big problem to define the neural network with three layers (the input layer, the computational /called hidden/ layer and the output layer) formed from a small number of neurones using e.g. Excel (see Fig. 11.17 - model, Fig.11.18 corresponding sheet). However, even for such a small system it is not very easy to identify the weighing coefficients wij by comparing the prediction (the output of the neurone N7) with the monitored data. Thus, more specialised software (for example BrainMaker) and algorithms have to be used, Bíla (1996). Remark: The number of neurones is seldom more than a few thousands in neural networks, while the human brain contains approximately 1011 neurones and 1015 synapses.

Another field of research investigates the possibilities of monitoring, decoding or even affecting the information flow in living neuronal systems. An example is the "neurochip", a silicon chip with living neurones, where the underlying electronic circuitry monitors the electrical activity of the neurones. The activities of the brain can also be analysed by measuring the electrical field generated by active neurones. The time series of the monitored spikes are processed by the Fourier, correlation and cluster analysis, with the aim of understanding if not whole "sentences", then at least the "words" of messages transferred between neurones, see Reinis (1997). The results may be used for computer modelling of artificial nerve systems and for improving neural networks. It is hard to say if monitoring and stimulation is also possible at a distance, but if it is, then seemingly innocent "virtual reality" computer games would become dangerous. Imagine for a moment that all the axons connecting your brain to your sensory and mobility system were under the control of a computer equipped with a software, e.g., on the basis of neural networks. The computer would read the commands given by your brain and would substitute the information flow from your sensory apparatus (sight, taste, etc.) with its own model of a virtual world. Assuming perfect technical realisation, it would be difficult to work out whether you were in the virtual world or the actual world even if your brain was not compromised.

The Czech title Huxley's book, mentioned above, is "End of Civilisation". That has not yet arrived. However, we have almost reached the end of this textbook.


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