Motion given by circular trajectory and circular envelope

Planar kinematic geometry

© doc. Ing. Ivana Linkeová, Ph.D.


Specification of a motion

The following rules are valid for a motion given by circular trajectory τA of point A and circular envelope (b) of straight line b:

- Point A is located on trajectory τA at each instant.

- Straight line b is a tangent line of envelope (b) at each instant.

- Point A is the intersection of straight line b and trajectory τA.

This motion and the motion given by circular and linear trajectories are inverse motion.

Animation of a motion (motion given by circular trajectory and circular envelopa)

Fixed centrode (motion given by circular trajectory and circular envelope)

Trajectory of a point (motion given by circular trajectory and circular envelopa)

Envelope of a circle (motion given by circular trajectory and circular envelopa)

Envelope of a straight line (motion given by circular trajectory and circular envelopa)

Specification of inverse motion (motion given by circular trajectory and circular envelopa)

- Point A0 becomes the point envelope of trajectory τA; the centre of circle τA moves along circle with centre at point A0 and radius equal to the radius of trajectory τA.

- Straight line b0 becomes the envelope of envelope (b); the centre of circle (b) moves along straight line parallel to straight line b0 passing through the given centre of envelope (b).

- The distance between the centre of moving trajecotry τA and the centre of moving envelope (b) does not change during the motion.

Moving centrode (motion given by circular trajectory and circular envelopa)