Motion given by circular trajectory and point envelope

Planar kinematic geometry

© doc. Ing. Ivana Linkeová, Ph.D.


Specification of a motion

The following rules are valid for a motion given by circular trajectory τA of point A and point envelope (b) of straight line b:

- Point A is located on trajectory τA at each instant.

- Straight line b passes through the envelope (b) at each instant.

- Point A is the intersection of straight line b and trajectory τA.

This motion and the motion given by circular and linear trajectories are inverse motions.

Animation of a motion (motion given by circular trajectory and point envelope)

Fixed centrode (motion given by circular trajectory and point envelope)

Trajectory of a point (motion given by circular trajectory and point envelope)

Envelope of a circle

(motion given by circular trajectory and point envelope)

Envelope of a straight line (motion given by circular trajectory and point envelope)

Specification of inverse motion (motion given by circular trajectory and point envelope)

- Point A0 becomes the point envelope of trajectory τA; circle τA moves along the circle with centre at point A0 and radius equal to the radius of circle τA.

- Straight line b0 becomes the trajectory of point envelope (b).

- The distance of centre of moving trajectory τA and moving envelope (b) does not change during the motion.

Moving centrode (motion given by circular trajectory and point envelope)