List of selected publications (Journal Articles)
Horný L., Vištejnová L., Suchý T., Kuželová Košťáková E., Chlup H., Kronek J., Sobotka Z., Petřivý Z., Žaloudková M., Halvíčková K., Moláček J. (2025)
Degradation of the mechanical properties of poly-lactide-caprolactone-collagen composite for pulmonary artery banding after implantation into a rat's peritoneum. Medical Engineering & Physics
vol. 138 art. no. 104319. MANUSCRIPT VERSION
Link to the Publihser's version click here.
Sobotka Z., Horný L., Chlup H., Kohan M., Hudák R., Valášek M. (2025)
Nonlinearly elastic and anisotropic constitutive model for ePTFE vascular graft based on tensile and inflation experiments. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures
in press.
Open access to the Publisher version (CC BY 4.0) click here.
Suchý T., Horný L., Šupová M., Adámek T., Blanková A., Žaloudková M., Grajciarová M., Yakushko O., Blassová T., Brain M. (2024)
Age-related changes in the biochemical composition of the human aorta and their correlation with the delamination strength.
Acta Biomaterialia 190:344-361.
Publisher version click here.
Kužma J., Suchý T., Horný L., Šupová M., Sucharda Z. (2024)
Comparative Study of the Dehydrothermal Crosslinking of Electrospun Collagen Nanofibers: The Effects of Vacuum Conditions and Subsequent Chemical Crosslinking.
Polymers 16(17), 2453.
Open Access (CC-BY-4.0 pdf).
Open access to the Publisher version click here.
Petřivý Z., Horný L., Tichý P. (2024)
Traction-separation law parameters for the description of age-related changes in the delamination strength of the human descending thoracic aorta. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology
Open Access (CC-BY-4.0 pdf).
Open access to the Publisher version click here.
Moláček J., et al. (2022)
Experimental surgery as part of the development of degradable biomaterials for cardiovascular surgery.
Rozhledy v Chirurgii: měsíčník České lékařské společnosti, 101(12):599-606.
Publisher version click here.
Petřivý Z., Horný L. (2022)
Effect of viscoelasticity on inversion in axial deformation and on the volume of pressurized thin-walled tubes. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 96, art. no. 104763.
Publisher version click here.
Horný L., Roubalová L., Kronek J., Chlup H., Adámek T., Blanková T., Petřivý Z., Suchý T., Tichý P. (2022)
Correlation between age, location, orientation, loading velocity and delamination strength in the human aorta. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 133, art. no. 105340.
Publisher version click here.
Horný L., Chlup H., Kužma J., Růžička P. (2022)
Inflation-extension behaviour of 3D printed elastomer tubes and their constitutive description. Bioprinting 25, art. no. e00192.
Publisher version click here.
Suchý T. et al. (2021)
Vancomycin-Loaded Collagen/Hydroxyapatite Layers Electrospun on 3D Printed Titanium Implants Prevent Bone Destruction Associated with S. epidermidis Infection and Enhance Osseointegration.
Biomedicines. 2021, 9(5), art. no. 531.
Publisher version (open access) click here.
Hartinger J.M., Lukáč P., Mlček M., Popková M., Suchý T., Šupová M., Chlup H., Horný L., Závora J., Adámková V., Slanař O., Kozlík P., Molnarova K., Honsová E., Lambert L., Grus T.
(2020) Rifampin-Releasing Triple-Layer Cross-Linked Fresh Water Fish Collagen Sponges as Wound Dressings. BioMed Research International Article ID 3841861.
Publisher version (open access) click here.
Pokorný M., Suchý T., Kotzianová A., Klemeš J., Denk F., Šupová M., Sucharda Z., Sedlácek R., Horný L., Králík V., Velebný V., Cejka Z. (2020)
Surface treatment of acetabular cups with a direct deposition of a composite nanostructured layer using a high electrostatic field.
Molecules 25(5) art. no. 25051173.
Publisher version (open access) click here.
Horný L., Petřivý Z. (2020)
Inversion Point and Internal Volume of Pressurized Nonlinearly Elastic Tube.
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 125 art. no. 103530.
Publisher version click here.
Voňavková T., Horný L. (2020)
Effect of axial prestretch and adipose tissue on the inflation-extension behavior of the human abdominal aorta.
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 23(3):81-91.
Publisher version click here.
Suchý T., Šupová M., Sauerová P., Hubálek Kalbáčová M., Klapková E., Pokorný M., Horný L., Závora J., Ballay R., Denk F.,
Sojka M., Vištejnová L. (2019)
Evaluation of collagen/hydroxyapatite electrospun layers loaded with vancomycin, gentamicin and their combination: Comparison of release kinetics, antimicrobial activity and cytocompatibility.
J European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 140:50-59.
Publisher version click here.
Kubášová K., Sedláček R., Horný, L. (2019) Evaluation of Wear of Milling Cutters for Drilling of Nail Holes Used for Osteosynthesis of Long Bones of Lower Limbs.
Strojnicky Casopis 69(3):69-74. Publisher version click here.
Straka F., Schornik D., Masin J., Filova E., Mirejovsky T., Burdikova Z., Svindrych Z., Chlup H., Horny L., Daniel M., Machac J., Skibová J., Pirk J., Bacakova L. (2018)
A human pericardium biopolymeric scaffold for autologous heart valve tissue engineering: cellular and extracellular matrix structure and biomechanical properties in comparison with a normal aortic heart valve.
J Biomater Sci-Polym Ed.
Publisher version click here.
Straka F, Schornik D, Masin J, Filova E, Mirejovsky T, Burdikova Z, Svindrych Z, Chlup H, Horny L, Vesely J, Pirk J, Bacakova L. (2017).
A new approach to heart valve tissue engineering based on modifying autologous human pericardium by 3D cellular mechanotransduction.
J Biomater Tissue Eng, 7(7):527-543.
The final publication is available via http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/asp/jbte/2017/00000007/00000007/art00003
Suchý T., Šupová M., Klapková E., Adámková V., Závora J., Žaloudková M., Rýglová Š., Ballay R., Denk F., Pokorný M., Sauerová P., Hubálek Kalbáčová M., Horný L., Veselý J., Voňavková T.,
Průša R. (2017). The release kinetics, antimicrobial activity and cytocompatibility of differently prepared collagen/hydroxyapatite/vancomycin layers: Microstructure vs. nanostructure
Eur J Pharm Sci, 100:219-229.
Publisher link
Horný L., Adámek T., Kulvajtová M. (2017). A comparison of age-related changes in axial prestretch in human carotid arteries and in human abdominal aorta.
Biomech Model Mechanobiol, 16(1):375-383.
The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10237-016-0797-y
Marvan J., Horák Z., Vilímek M., Horný L., Kachlík D., Báča V. (2017). Fixation of distal fibular fractures: A biomechanical study of plate fixation techniques.
Acta Bioeng. Biomech., 19(1):33-39.
The final publication is available via http://www.actabio.pwr.wroc.pl/19117e.php
Suchý T., Šupová M., Klapková E., Horný L., Rýglová Š., Žaloudková M., Braun M., Sucharda Z., Ballay R., Veselý J., Chlup H., Denk F. (2016). The sustainable release of Vancomycin and its
degradation products from nanostructured collagen/hydroxyapatite composite layers.
J Pharm Sci, 105(3):1288-1294.
Publisher link
Horný L., Netušil M. (2016). How does axial prestretching change the mechanical response of nonlinearly elastic incompressible thin-walled tubes.
Int J Mech Sci, 106:95-106.
Publisher link
Prezentace pro obhajobu habilitační práce a habilitační přednášku 15. 10. 2015 ČVUT FS
Habilitační práce obhájená 15. 10. 2015 na zasedání vědecké rady ČVUT FS a habilitační komise
Horný L., Netušil M., Horák Z. (2015). Limit point instability in pressurization of anisotropic finitely extensible hyperelastic thin-walled tube.
Int J Nonlin Mech, 77:107-114.
Publisher link
Veselý J., Horný L., Chlup H., Adámek T., Krajíček M., Žitný R. (2015). Constitutive Modeling of Human saphenous veins at overloading Pressures.
J Mechan Behav Biomed Mater, 45:101-108.
Publisher link
Horny, L., Netusil, M., & Daniel, M. (2014). Limiting extensibility constitutive model with distributed fibre orientations and ageing of abdominal aorta.
J Mechan Behav Biomed Mater, 38:39-51.
Publisher link
Horny, L., Adamek, T., & Kulvajtova, M. (2014). Analysis of axial prestretch in the abdominal aorta with reference to post mortem interval and degree of atherosclerosis.
J Mechan Behav Biomed Mater 33:93-98. Publisher link
Horny, L., Netusil, M., Vonavkova, T. (2014). Axial prestretch and circumferential distensibility in biomechanics of abdominal aorta.
Biomech Model Mechanobiol 13(4):783-799. Publisher link
Horny, L.(2014). Effect of axial prestretch on inflation instability in finitely extensible thin-walled tube.
Bulletin of Applied Mechanics 10(36):5-10.
Voňavková, T., Horný, L., Kulvajtová, M., Žitný, R. (2014). Uniaxial tensile test of perivascular adipose tissue.
Bulletin of Applied Mechanics 10(36):11-14.
Gultova, E., Horny, L., Chlup, H., Zitny, R., Adamek, T., & Kulvajtova, M. (2013). Preservation of tangent modulus of pericardial tissue during cold storage.
Comput Method Biomech Biomed Eng 16(SUPPL 1), 318-319. Publisher link
Horny, L., Adamek, T., & Zitny, R. (2013). Age-related changes in longitudinal prestress in human abdominal aorta.
Arch Appl Mech 83(6), 875-888. Publisher link
Horny, L., Chlup, H., Zitny, R., Vonavkova, T., Vesely, J., & Lanzer, P. (2012). Ex vivo coronary stent implantation evaluated with digital image correlation.
Exp Mech 52(9), 1555-1558. Publisher link
Horny, L., Adamek, T., Chlup, H., & Zitny, R. (2012). Age estimation based on a combined arteriosclerotic index.
Int J Leg Med 126(2), 321-326. Publisher link
Horny, L., Adamek, T., Vesely, J., Chlup, H., Zitny, R., & Konvickova, S. (2012). Age-related distribution of longitudinal pre-strain in abdominal aorta with emphasis on forensic application.
Forensic Sci Int 214(1-3), 18-22. Publisher link
Horny L, Vesely J, Chlup H, Janouchova K, Vysanska M. (2012). Single fiber pull-out test of nitinol-silicon-textile composite.
B Appl Mech (32), 77-80. Publisher link
Horny, L., Adamek, T., Gultova, E., Zitny, R., Vesely, J., Chlup, H., & Konvickova, S. (2011). Correlations between age, prestrain, diameter and atherosclerosis in the male abdominal aorta.
J Mechan Behav Biomed Mater 4(8), 2128-2132. Publisher link
Gultova, E., Horny, L., Chlup, H., & Zitny, R. (2011). A comparison between the exponential and limiting fiber extensibility pseudo-elastic model for the Mullins
effect in arterial tissue. J Theor Appl Mech 49(4):1203-1216.Publisher link
Horny L, Kronek J, Chlup H, Zitny R, Vesely J, Hulan M. (2010). Orientations of collagen fibers in aortic histological section.
B Appl Mech 6(22), 25-29. Publisher link
Horný L, Gultova E, Chlup H, Kronek J, Veselý J, Žitný R. (2010). Mullins effect in aorta and limiting extensibility evolution.
B Appl Mech 6(21), 1-5. Publisher link
Horny L, Chlup H, Zitny R, Adamek T. (2010) Constitutive modeling of coronary artery bypass graft with incorporated torsion. Metalurgija 49(2):273-277.
Horný, L., Žitný, R., Chlup, H., Macková, H. (2006). Identification of the material parameters of an aortic wall.
B Appl Mech 2(8), 173-181. PDF
Valenta, J., Vitek, K., Cihak, R., Konvickova, S., Sochor, M., & Horny, L. (2002). Age related constitutive laws and stress distribution in human main coronary arteries with reference to residual strain.
Bio-Med Mater Engr 12(2), 121-13. Publisher link
List of selected publications (Proceedings Papers and Book Chapters)
Horný L., Petřivý Z., Tichý P., Chlup H., Kronek J., Adámek T., Blanková A. (2022)
Age-related changes of the traction-separation law parameters for the description of the delamination of the human aorta.
AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 2848, art. no. 020020.
Publisher version click here.
Petrivy Z., Horny L., Adamek T. (2020)
Delamination strength of an arterial wall.
Paper presented at the Experimental Stress Analysis - 58th International Scientific Conference, EAN 2020, 406-409.
Kratochvil O., Chlup H., Horny L., Spacek M., Mericka P. (2020)
Inflation-extension behaviour of the human vena saphena magna.
Paper presented at the Experimental Stress Analysis - 58th International Scientific Conference, EAN 2020, 248-251.
Kužma J., Horný L., Suchý T., Šupová M., Sucharda Z. (2020)
Electrospun Collagen Variability Characterized by Tensile Testing.
IFMBE Proceedings, vol. 76, p. 1231-1238.
Publisher version click here.
Petřivý Z., Horný L. (2020)
Pressurization of Axially Prestretched Tube: Consequences for Arterial Mechanics.
IFMBE Proceedings, vol. 76, p. 569-576.
Publisher version click here.
Horný, L., Petřivý, Z. (2019) Effect of Axial Prestretch on Internal Volume of Nonlinear Anisotropic Tube during its Inflation and Consequences for Arterial Mechanics.
Presented at COMPLAS 2019 (XV International Conference on Computational Plasticity: Fundamentals and Applications in Barcelona).
Presentation pdf
Říhová J., Suchý T., Vištejnová L., Horný L., Šupová M. (2019) Mechanical and structural properties of collagen nanofribrous layers under simulated body conditions.
Presented at 17th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics, YSESM 2019.
Publisher version click here.
Horný, L., Kužma, J. (2018) Pressure Pulse Wave Velocity and Axial Prestretch in Arteries. IFMBE Proceedings, vol. 68/2, pp. 665-669.
Presented in World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2018 in Prague.
Publisher link
e Poster
Horný L. (2018) Specifika mechanického testování měkkých tkání a jejich náhrad. Abstrakt. Prezentace z konference
Bioimplantologie 2018 (pdf) .
Voňavková T, Horný L, Veselý J, Adámek T, Žitný R. (2016) Effect of perivascular tissue on inflation-extension behavior of abdominal aorta. ECCOMAS 2016 463-470.
Voňavková T, Horný L, Adámek T, Kulvajtová M, Žitný R. (2015) Constitutive modelling of human perivascular adipose tissue. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computational Plasticity
- Fundamentals and Applications, COMPLAS 2015 463-470.
Vesely J, Horny L, Chlup H, Krajicek M, Zitny R. (2015). The influence of the opening angle on the stress distribution through the saphenous vein wall. IFMBE Proceedings 45:399-402.
Publisher link
Vesely J, Horny L, Chlup H, Beran M, Krajicek M, Zitny R. (2014). Mechanical properties of polyvinyl alcohol/collagen hydrogel.
In: EAN 2014 - 52nd International Conference on Experimental Stress Analysis, Marianske Lazne; Czech Republic.
Kronek J, Horny L, Adamek T, Chlup H, Zitny R. (2014). Site-specific mechanical properties of aortic bifurcation. IFMBE Proceedings 41:939-942.
Publisher link
Veselý J, Horný L, Chlup H, Žitný R. (2014). Inflation tests of vena saphena mangna for different loading rates. IFMBE Proceedings 41:1041-1044.
Publisher link
Vesely J, Hadraba D, Chlup H, Horny L, Adamek T, Zitny R (2014) Constitutive Modelling and Histology of Vena Saphena. Applied Mechanics and Materials
486:249-254. Publisher link
Gultova E, Horny L, Chlup H, Filova E, Pirk J, Bacakova L, Zitny R (2014) Mechanical Response of the Cross-Linked Pericardial Tissue
Applied Mechanics and Materials 486:255-258. Publisher link
Filova, E., Burdikova, Z., Stankova, L., Hadraba, D., Svindrych, Z., Schornik, et al. (2013) Collagen structures in pericardium and aortic heart valves and their significance for
tissue engineering. 4th IEEE E-Health and Bioengineering Conference EHB 2013, Article number 6707382.
Publisher link
Horný, L., Chlup, T., Žitný, R., Gultová, E., Veselý, J. (2011)
Longitudinal prestrain in male abdominal aorta from pulse wave velocity viewpoint.
Computational Plasticity XI, COMPLAS XI 757-763.
Vesely, J., Horny, L., Chlup, H., Zitny, R.(2011) Collagen orientation and waviness within the vein wall.
Computational Plasticity XI, COMPLAS XI 720-728.
Gultova, E., Horny, L., Chlup, H., Zitny, R.(2011) An anisotropic pseudo-elastic model for the Mullins effect in arterial tissue.
Computational Plasticity XI, COMPLAS XI 713-719.
Horny, L., Gultova, E., Adamek, T., Zitny, R., Chlup, H. (2011) In situ longitudinal pretension in human aorta.
IFMBE Proceedings 37:430-433.Publisher link
Horny, L., Chlup, H., Vesely, J., Gultova, E., Kronek, J., Zitny, R., Vonavkova, T., Adamek, T., Lanzer, P., Hromadka, D.(2011)
In vitro coronary stent implantation: Vessel wall-stent interaction
IFMBE Proceedings 37:795-798. Publisher link
Horny, L., Kronek, J., Chlup, H., Gultova, E., Heller, L., Zitny, R., Vokoun, D. (2011) Inflation-extension test of silicon rubber-nitinol composite tube
IFMBE Proceedings 37:1027-1030. Publisher link
Horny, L., Gultova, E., Chlup, H., Sedlacek, R., Kronek, J., Vesely, J., Zitny, R. (2010) Mullins effect in human aorta described with limiting extensibility evolution
IFMBE Proceedings 29:768-771. Publisher link
Horny, L., Kronek, J., Chlup, H., Zitny, R., Hulan, M. (2010) A distribution of collagen fiber orientations in aortic histological section.
IFMBE Proceedings 29:772-775. Publisher link
Horny, L., Chlup, H., Zitny, R., Konvickova, S., Adamek, T. (2009) Constitutive behavior of coronary artery bypass graft.
IFMBE Proceedings 25(4):181-184.Publisher link
Horny, L., Hulan, M., Zitny, R., Chlup, H., Konvickova, S., Adamek, T. (2009) Computer-aided analysis of arterial wall architecture.
IFMBE Proceedings 25(4):1494-1497. Publisher link
Horny, L., Zitny, R., Chlup, H. (2008) Strain energy function for arterial walls based on limiting fiber extensibility.
IFMBE Proceedings 22:1910-1913. Publisher link